Sunday, October 21, 2007

Powerful Skit

very powerful skit. i am struggling right now. seeing that made me think God is trying to pull me out of my pit of depression. on the other hand, i have to ask/wonder why didn't God intervene and pull my brother out. he cried our for help for a long time but he put the gun to his head, and unlike this happy ending God didn't intervene. i know it is not God's fault but why didn't God step in and fight all his demons. i am trying to fight mine now, and i don't know how to get out of this pit that i am in. i know God doesn't want me to be this way, but I just don't feel Him helping me right now. when deos the pain stop. when will i be able to find that peace and move on. i really don't know if i can, and i don't feel God's presence a lot of the time. what am i doing wrong.

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