Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Overall Good Day

Today went pretty well for me, so far. I had an apt with my councelor and that always helps. Actually Bryan and I both go on Tuesdays - or we just started to. Hopefully it will help us both.

I got Bub's autopsy report yesterday. I was affraid to open it at first, but I prayed about it and God got me through it. I actually found some of the information to be rather comforting, as wierd as that may sound.

Yesterday, i also saw my med dr. and she is starting me on something new. I wanted to try to go without anything, but she advised agaisnt that right now. Actually, i have been off meds for over a week ( i had to be weened off of the Effexor, which was HORRIBLE). Since, i did not do well last week and i even scared myself a little i will listen to her and try this new treatment.

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