Sunday, November 4, 2007

Quick Good-Night

It is late, but i wanted to post that I know that I will be ok. I will be ok as long as I keep my Faith in my Heavenly Father - The One True God. God will see me through, I just have to remember that and stop looking other places.

Time for bed...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mood Swings

I seem to be really having yucky mood swings and irratabilty today. I love my girls SO MUCH, but they have really gotten on my nerves. Bryan is gone, so he is not here to take it out on.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Overall Good Day

Today went pretty well for me, so far. I had an apt with my councelor and that always helps. Actually Bryan and I both go on Tuesdays - or we just started to. Hopefully it will help us both.

I got Bub's autopsy report yesterday. I was affraid to open it at first, but I prayed about it and God got me through it. I actually found some of the information to be rather comforting, as wierd as that may sound.

Yesterday, i also saw my med dr. and she is starting me on something new. I wanted to try to go without anything, but she advised agaisnt that right now. Actually, i have been off meds for over a week ( i had to be weened off of the Effexor, which was HORRIBLE). Since, i did not do well last week and i even scared myself a little i will listen to her and try this new treatment.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Great Comment

Here is a wonderful comment made about the below skit.

"You have created me, loved me and provided me with everything then I wondered away from you and sinned and my sin stood between us till I wake up and wanted to get back to you and when I really wanted you, you came to me and broke my chains!!"

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Powerful Skit

very powerful skit. i am struggling right now. seeing that made me think God is trying to pull me out of my pit of depression. on the other hand, i have to ask/wonder why didn't God intervene and pull my brother out. he cried our for help for a long time but he put the gun to his head, and unlike this happy ending God didn't intervene. i know it is not God's fault but why didn't God step in and fight all his demons. i am trying to fight mine now, and i don't know how to get out of this pit that i am in. i know God doesn't want me to be this way, but I just don't feel Him helping me right now. when deos the pain stop. when will i be able to find that peace and move on. i really don't know if i can, and i don't feel God's presence a lot of the time. what am i doing wrong.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fresh Start

I have a couple of blogs/journals already, but i thought i would make a "fresh start" and see how i like this one.
Seeing that I am starting this at like 1am, i will work more on it later.